Our warehouse staff are working exceptionally hard to keep safe with the strict distancing measures in place. Our delivery guideline is 7 to 10 working days at the moment. We are experiencing supply issues like many industries, so please be aware that we are doing our best to fulfill every order as quickly as possible. Remote parts of the UK may incur further delays.

Products are available for purchase online for essential industries, home repairs & maintenance. Our aim is to give our customers the best possible service during this period. The safety of our customers and colleagues still remains our top priority. As the demand increases, availability may be limited from time to time and you may experience delays with your delivery, so please bare with us. Please refrain from contacting our customer services department any sooner than 3 days from dispatch. Our apologies for any inconvenience this may cause you. Please stay safe.


Our staff will operate at a safe distance during the collection. We ask that all customers wear the appropriate gloves and mask when they collect. All orders are done in number order, so please be aware that this is not a quicker route to receiving the goods. We will make contact as soon as the order is ready to collect.


Please be aware that we do not have a shop or trade counter, we operate from a large warehouse which is not open to the public. We do not have an on site ordering facility and are unable to offer a same day order and collect. All orders will need to be placed online or over the phone and are subject to the 7 to 10 working days lead time.